Cricket Protein Flour Nutritional Values

The Cricket Hop Co. Cricket Protein Flour Powder is packed full of nutrients and contains high levels of micronutrients. Below is a list of some of its benefits -

  • Protein: The Cricket Hop Co’s Cricket Protein Flour Powder has one of the highest protein contents on the market. It can boast at least 70% pure protein! Crickets are considered a complete protein source meaning they contain all the Essential Amino Acids and include high levels of BCAA’S 13.26g per 100g, which are the building blocks that the human body needs for muscle development, recovery and repair. It also supports metabolism and increases immune function. Gram for gram crickets are the highest source of protein out there! 3 x the amount of beef.
  • Omegas 3 ,6 and 9: For improved brain and nerve function, mood, memory and for decreasing inflammation. On par with fatty wild salmon.
  • Vitamin A: Promotes growth and development, boosts immune system and improves vision
  • Vitamin B1: Improves nerve, muscle and heart function
  • Vitamin B2: Increases cellular respiration, prevents migraines and to treat riboflavin deficiency
  • Vitamin E: A powerful antioxidant that helps prevent or delay chronic diseases associated with free radicals (cancers)
  • Calcium: Essential to build and maintain strong and healthy bones, teeth, muscles and cartilage, improves nerve function. Each serving of crickets provides the equivalent of 1.5 glasses of whole milk making it an ideal Lactose-Free alternative.
  • Iron: Growth, strength,brain development and energy metabolism. 2 x more than spinach and beef.
  • Potassium: Increases blood flow, improves heart and breathing and reduces strokes. 3 x more than bananas
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